Privacy Policy
For details on what data we collect, the permissions we need and why.
Let's break this URL down.
The client_id=1061061998286225458 refers to the application, which you'll be granting access.
The permissions=2048 is @roze asking for the Send Messages bot permission.
Send Messages is used so that @roze can let you know when it is your turn. Without this, she can't do too much.
The scope=bot%20applications.commands enables the bot and application.command scopes.
bot scope enables using the bot user (@roze).
application.command allows @roze to add the /civ commands for registering a channel and adding player aliases.
So, once @roze has been added to your server, what data do we collect?
Well, this app is backed by a PostgreSQL database that only has two tables.
The first table, Channels stores the id of your channel, the id of your server, the id we generate for your webhook, and a timestamp.
These let me know which channel to message when game updates are received by Civ.
The second table, Users stores the id of your channel, the username that is being aliased, the id of your discord account, and a timestamp again.
These let me track who to @mention in a channel.
The timestamps are just so I can keep track of how often this bot is being used.
If I start tracking any additional information in these tables, I will update this privacy policy with that info.
My server also collects some standard information in its access and error logs (e.g. IP address, the date, time, and referrer URL of your request, etc). These are automatically deleted after two weeks.
All data for your discord server will be deleted from the tables mentioned above within 24 hours if you remove @roze from your server.
If you ever want me to delete any of your data sooner for any reason, just message me on roze's discord server at
Let me know if you have any questions or want any other details. You can also check out the source on github at zkhr/roze to build the bot yourself.